27 July 2024

Women are a different shape to men…so this belly and bulk has to go!

Man shape vs Woman shape

It’s pretty well known that a man’s body is basically like an apple whereas a woman’s is like a pear.
Belly fat on men is very much the norm for men over 40’s. It isn’t alone, fat is everywhere but generally not where we want it as trans women. You can’t ‘move’ fat but HRT will encourage it to go where it would on a woman…namely hips and thighs. The problem is the fat men already have doesn’t move. There are really two issues here regarding weight: fat and muscle.
Muscle is heavier, and is reduced by less testosterone and more oestrogen. Muscle mass is reduced. Not so body fat sadly. That we have to diet away…no mean feat!

Lose fat and reduce weight

I had to lose a lot of accumulated body fat. I was looking at losing around 40lbs worth. That isn’t going to happen overnight and in the 2yrs since I started my transformation I did…though I have put about 7lbs back.
How did I do it? My secret…

The humble cauliflower.
Yes that is my secret!
I will be illustrating how to use it to lose weight with menus that are both enjoyable and low in calories.

I needed to break the plateau I had reached with my weight as I needed to lose another 12lbs and no matter what I did my stubborn belly fat wouldn’t move. I did 30mins cardio everyday on my exercise bike but even after 2months…it was hardly moving. I had cyclists legs…which I didn’t want but it did help my belly a bit.
No carbs
My plan was to cut out carbs. No: wheat, rice, potatoes, pasta, rice, sugar.
This is what I did…I’m not suggesting everyone should…just that I did. You can just follow the cauliflower trail if you wish…that’s the important bit.

How does this diet work?

Cauliflower is a super food i.e. it is one of the best things you can eat…it has so much benefit to the body. It is digested slowly, has very few calories and fills you up. The downside is…it isn’t as nice a chips/fries…or anything else tasty. So how can you live on it without giving it up after a couple of days?
a few meals I created using cauliflower rice! What is cauliflower rice? Read on!

These are just some of the main meals I ate and lost those 10 stubborn pounds! It’s a plateful and it doesn’t feel like dropping calories. Losing weight is slow so any diet has to be tolerable for months, there are no short cuts.
more to follow…